Excerpts from a speech written by Richard Aoki for the AAPA rally July 28, 1968
“We Asian-Americans believe that American society has been, and still is, fundamentally a racist society, and that historically we have accommodated ourselves to this society in order to survive...
We’re sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired of relating to white standards of acceptability...We’re tired of hearing the racist chant about “if you’re white...” This has wreaked havoc upon our cultural identity...
At this point I would like to say a few words about the servant syndrome prevalent in this white racist society...As most of you know the typical Oriental is thought of as a servant (and dig--servants are not considered equals anywhere in time and place)...The Chinese are regarded as laundrymen (fit only for woman’s work), the Japanese are regarded as gardeners. the Filipinos are regarded as chauffeurs...
We are sick of being used by the white racist power structure... Don’t rock the boat...Used as an example...
We unconditionally, support the struggles of the Afro-American people, the Chicanos, and the American Indians in to attain freedom, justice and equality...
We Asian-Americans oppose the imperialist policies being pursued by the American government...
Professor Miyoshi has presented our views on the Vietnam war...We are unconditionally against the war in Vietnam...
some of us view the war as another one of white racist America’s trickbag….They are committing double genocide over there..Dig, if a black, brown or yellow brother is sent to Vietnam he is being sent to kill his yellow brother.. if the black, brown or yellow brother kills the Vietnamese..Mr. Charley comes out ahead, and if the Vietnamese kills the black brown or yellow brother, Mr. Charley again comes out ahead...This is a classical case of heads I win, tails you lose...
In conclusion, I would like to add that the Asian-American Political Alliance is not just another Sunday social club. We are an action-oriented group, and we will not just restrict our activities to merely ethic issues, but to all issues that are of fundamental importance pertaining to the building of a new and a better world."
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